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구글 크롬에 관한 즐겨찾기

려리군 2009. 5. 18. 03:16

CollabNet Subversion Downloads

Subversion is the new standard for version control and Software Configuration Management (SCM) for globally distributed organizations. CollabNet Subversion is an enterprise-ready distribution of Subversion that includes certified binaries, platform-specific installers, and certified plugins for Eclipse, HP Quality Center, and IBM Rational ClearCase.


구글 크롬 개조하여 만든 니켈

플러그인이라고 소개 되 있지만 개조한 거 같은 느낌의 프로그램.


크로미움(크롬 개발자 모임) - 코드 얻는법 등 정보


크롬 플러그인
