컴퓨터 공부/유닉스 시스템 프로그래밍

[스터디] Beginning Linux 4e - 2. 쉘 프로그래밍

려리군 2009. 4. 21. 18:19

ldd : which shared libraries are required by a program.


a program that act as the interface between you and the Linux system,
enabling you to enter commandds for the operating system to execute.

perform some relatively simple task
organize process control, so that commands run in a predetermined sequence dependent on the successful completion of each stage.

execute commands
call Linux utilities
write them, often referred to as script which are interpreted at runtime


< : input, > : output, | data piped between simultaneously executing program
${...} : output from a subprocess grabbed by using this

bash : the standard(default) shell that is always installed as /bin/sh
/bin/sh is actually a link to the program /bin/bash



ls -al | more
pipes the output of the file listing to a screen-at-a-time display.
man bash | col -b | lpr
print a reference copy of the bash manual pages



phenomenon 현상, 성공
a fact or an event in nature or society, especially one that is not fully understood
a person or thing that is very successful or impressive
viable 잘 된
that can be done; that will be successful
conform 따르다
to behave and think in the same way as most other people in a group or society
to obey a rule, law, etc.
superficial 표면적으로
not studying or looking at sth thoroughly 

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